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Notes for In Patagonia and notes in Paris, 1979Page 26

Notes for In Patagonia and notes in Paris, 1979

Page 26

2 Visiting a. Dukhith

G. Squire (or Saturation), French woman
on Sam Ambania (or mbarsio) – Oct. in Rio Negro.

Went up to Rio Acgre (or Aeyrso).

Ate 9 old harden (or burden).

King went map to Gaderheira (or derheira)
go to Gaelgid Guelphtown (or Gueinthtown). Freetown

Same as Guadelfin
addressed (or addresses) his parfit (or parfet).

17 bases (or hases) in Duent (or Puert) graftSteve Croix

3 eangios fruit musieus (or muskew) (or muskeus)

Jaannaa with pupin (or pupis) a Rosso Ceeunt (or eeund)

9 aveedy (or aveedy)
hates (or bates) eeerpa (or eeerva) to a bariqua (or baryqua) of wine
reannasasd (or reannasad) His N Sly to say give eaaxguena (or eaaxguexia)
6- evening walks & literisky (or literiskey) walks spleen pt
ney bend

Re freieur fracun (freisur fracun)adduritating (adminitrating): from start
— subject when a prepost fined (or preparid) eg gothecorps

in hi romana wars { more reasong}

Editor's Note: This text has been transcribed automatically and likely has errors. if you would like to contribute by submitting a corrected transcription.

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The Centre of Nomadic Studies would like to thank the Thesiger Oman International Fellowship and the Department of Political Economy at King’s College London for their generous support.

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