Notes for In Patagonia and notes in Paris, 1979 – Page 26
Notes for In Patagonia and notes in Paris, 1979
Page 26
2 Visiting a. Dukhith
G. Squire (or Saturation), French woman
on Sam Ambania (or mbarsio) – Oct. in Rio Negro.
Went up to Rio Acgre (or Aeyrso).
Ate 9 old harden (or burden).
King went map to Gaderheira (or derheira) —
go to Gaelgid Guelphtown (or Gueinthtown). Freetown
Same as Guadelfin
addressed (or addresses) his parfit (or parfet).
17 bases (or hases) in Duent (or Puert) graft — Steve Croix
3 eangios fruit musieus (or muskew) (or muskeus)
Jaannaa with pupin (or pupis) a Rosso Ceeunt (or eeund)
9 aveedy (or aveedy)
hates (or bates) eeerpa (or eeerva) to a bariqua (or baryqua) of wine
reannasasd (or reannasad) His N Sly to say give eaaxguena (or eaaxguexia)
6- evening walks & literisky (or literiskey) walks spleen pt
ney bend
Re freieur fracun (freisur fracun) – adduritating (adminitrating): from start
— subject when a prepost fined (or preparid) eg gothecorps
in hi romana wars { more reasong}
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