Afghanistan, July 1969 – Page 34
Afghanistan, July 1969
Page 34
Manti Kabir / 886
Rual Taman
Children Sam.
Two small children – put side going outing
walk – fresh winter. Add pepper and salt and
gamed old vets 8 cows.
Tomatoes – after 1/2 hr. put in 1/4th fresh groce.
Sit with plenty wtr, cinnamon, saffron and
goats yoghurt.
Gril (or ned) in a red oven , perhaps 20 already
In beautiful wife self eyes darting with
tumane ma taking. Bequick cakes and foil for
gas get “whits seed“. Rehypnose our sea-beans.
wacyweed, way seiq, ett.
Very olew of wale undecidedly razz,
hupses a peat something that would be the fleev
was boated jyst -.
Rise when going sorn wonted “write ten
piss when wry solteran and pisseurers in a
eavy wife in quis qn slutan and forsee
a very stow beat with a lid a tiqem sken
until som our woolen yater Crowdtogear it
“wnter inst. bast informed“. Cons eupsist
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